Photo Experiences

Monday, January 05, 2009

`Iolani Palace (Honolulu, Hawaii)

Any visit to Honolulu must include a mandatory stop at `Iolani Palace, the only royal residence in the United States.

The palace once symbolized Hawaiian sovereignty, power, and progress. Today, the palace reminds us of the grandeur of the Kingdom of Hawaii while juxtaposing the violent relationship between American businessmen and the vulnerable monarchy.

Interestingly, King Kalakaua installed electricity in the palace even before electricity was introduced into the White House. Additionally, he installed other high tech gadgetry such as flushing toilets, bath tubs, and 200 gallon hot water tanks. At the time, Honolulu also had the most telephones per capita than any other city in the world! Queen Liliuokalani (last monarch of the Kingdom of Hawaii) was also imprisoned within these palace walls--her own home--during the overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom.

As a kama`aina, you'll get in FREE usually on the first Sunday of each month.
We spent about 3.5 hours here first enjoying a 45 minute docent guided tour of the palace, then marveling at a wonderful collection of artwork, jewelery, and other royal paraphernalia in the basement gallery.

Coronation Pavilion (used in 1893 for the coronation of King Kalakaua and Queen Kapiolani)

`Iolani Barracks (top/bottom)

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